Tuesday, January 26, 2010

L'"L"L Bit?

So, more Jonas stories. Man, do I ever need to post here every day!

Yesterday Brandon was watching Jonas in the afternoon so I could get some work done. I didn't get any work done, because I was too busy enjoying listening to Jonas's exploits. He asked Brandon if it was Friday, and of course, it was only monday, so Brandon said no. Then the following conversation occured (no, this is not perfectly quoted, and yes, Brandon was perfectly calm and holding back laughter)
j: "mama's house??"
b: "no, it's still not friday".
j: "Go mama's house!"
b: "ok, fine. go ahead and go... bye!"
j: (smiles, runs over to a bag on the floor that he packed several days ago. it contained 5 diapers, a small boucing ball and a pair of pants.) "bak bag!"
b: yeah, you should probably pack a bag. what are you going to put in it?
j: "this!" (jonas begins to putter around looking for things to pack. he settles on his pig pillow).
b: ok, it's time for you to go, bye bye!
j: (gets distracted and starts talking about all the things he's going to do at grandma's house). see Lilly! see ke-en (kerin) see Max! see gima (he now says' the g in grandma)! see deuce! ...no see fish! (he shruggs, bends over and looks around, pantomiming looking for a fish) "where fish? no fish!"
b: (laughing hysterically but silently) yeah, no fish, the fish is dead, huh?
j: (unabashed, continues to rant about what he will do and who he will see) cImb wall! push swing! papa play he-e-o-op-ter! numnumnumnum! Wheeeeee! (he has moved to onomatopoeia in his excitement and is now just running around pantomiming how much fun he is in for).
b: ok, well, you had better get going then... bye bye!
j: (waves) bye! bye daddy! bye Ru-ru! bye ru-ru's house! bye daddy's house! bye baby george bush! (thinks it over... grabs baby eric george bush, starts over...). bye daddy! bye ru-ru! bye ru-ru's house, bye hair brush! bye dash duck (trash truck)! (thinks it over, grabs the trash truck). Bye daddy!
b: bye.. you'd better get going! it's getting dark!
j: (runs to the door... opens it ans stands half in half out) bye house! bye Obi! bye miss darleen! bye ru-ru!
b: i don't think you're really going, you look like you're stalling!
j: huh?
b: you aren't really going are you?
j: daddy. (points to brandon) dive.
b: you want me to drive?
j: (nods and smiles)
b: no, i'm not going to do that. you'll have to get there on your own...
j: (looks downcast, but determined) bye bye daddy!
(he says more bye byes, but i cut them... eventually he got out the door. this was a 20 minute ordeal. Brandon called me in as soon as he left the house).

We watched as jonas continued to babble excitedly and attempt to corral his overnight bag as he walked out to the cars, and decided to take brandon's car. you could hear him saying "daddy's car!". he tries the door... no luck. "KEYS!" he is running back to the house in no time chanting "keys! keys! keys!" and of course, his bag is getting tangled up, so he's struggling there. he gets back inside and asks brandon for the keys. "nope, sorry, i don't think that would be a good idea... you should probably walk." jonas agrees, but starts to seriously stall and eventually the whole thing peters out. regardless, it was pretty amusing for us all!


The Penis stories:
rudy was sitting on the couch one day and was just a little excited about something. Joe took notice.
j: "RU-Ru pee-is!"
b: oh, yep, that's Rudy's Penis.
j: "a l-l-l-l bit pee-is?" (a little bit of penis?)
b:(laughing) yep, just a little bit of penis, good talkin' joe.

one night sitting on the couch reading, jonas stopped and pointed at himself and said
"Joe. "
me: "yes, that's Joe!"
j: Joe, pee-is.
b/me: yup, Joe has a penis.
j: (points at brandon) daddy. pee-is.
me/b: yes.
j: (points at rudy) "ru-ru, pee-is."
me/b: yes. rudy has a penis.
j: (points at me) "mommy. Noooo pee-is." (shakes his head and waves his arms).
me/b: nope, mommy doesn't have a penis.
j: HAH! no pee-is! mommy no pee-is!

i could go on... oh, so many more stories, but this will do.

Jonas has definitely reached the terrible two's age. He is smart. He is crafty and passive aggressive. He has been spanked a lot.

After getting potty trained, he's decided to weaponize this and simply pee his pants as often as possible so that he can remain a "ne-ed boy!" (naked boy). not. Good.

He has refused to obey many times, and therefore has gotten a time out. he has to sit in time out until he is ready to obey. last night, for example, he got a time out jumping on rudy. he sat on the ottoman and then got off. we asked if he was ready to obey. "no." he then proceeded to go sit back on the ottoman for a minute. repeat 3 times. finally, "yes obey." the end.

Obviously, he gets a spanking sometimes. some times are more ridiculous than others. for example, a few days ago brandon asked jonas to help clean up. naturally, he said no, and brandon told him he was not going to grandma's house until he put awa his blocks, brandon would do the rest. now, there were only 3 blocks out. jonas opted to sit in time out until the room was clean (minus the 3 blocks). Brand told jonas he needs to clean them up, or a spanking will result (we use the 1-2-3 and a 3=spanking, so each of these "spankings" was really a count to three and a spanking). jonas refuses. spanking. jonas touches the blocks, walks away. another spanking. jonas throws the blocks towards his room, and stops doing anything. another spanking. jonas moves the blocks to the bathroom. brandon threatens another spanking with the 1 count. jonas moves the blocks to the hall closet. 2 count. jonas finally gets the blocks into his bedroom closet. win. ridiculous.

jonas spent much of yesterday complaining that his foot hurt. did it? no. he fell over and stubbed his toe that morning, was fine, but every time he looked at his foot and was not getting what he wanted he would whine and say "foot hurt! foot hurt! pick up mommy! (or daddy)" **rolls eyes** it took us most of the day to figure out he was faking... pretty slow. that kid!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Potty Training

Last wednesday, Lisa watched Jonas for half a day, and when I arrived to pick him up, he greeted me completely naked and (as usual) half heartedly as he knew this meant he would soon be leaving the beloved "mamas house". Anyway, Lisa said she made a deal with Jonas, that he could be naked, but only if he used the potty, and he agreed. Since he is apparently perfectly capable of regulating his bodily functions, and halfway to potty trained in 4 hours, I decided we should probably let him stay naked the rest of the day, much to his joy.

At the end of day one, Jonas was doing very well. He'd peed in the potty handfulls of times, and only wet one diaper during his nap. Yay! The next morning I got him up, and he asked to be "ne-ed bie!" (naked boy!) again, so sure, why not? Again, no problems, he even pooped in the potty (an enormous turd for such a small kid... is his colon even that big?!) anyway, he was thrilled, i'm thrilled because i've only used 2 diapers in the past 2 days. sweeeet!

So, later that day we went to wal mart. Now, Jonas has been doing awesome at this potty thing, so I decided to not puncture his pride, and let him wear underwear to the store. This was a mistake. I expected to possibly have an accident, so I (naturally) prepared for 2 in a 20 minute period. Accident one: before we got out of the car (a 2 minute drive). He did pretty well in the store. Then "uh oh, pee mommy, pee!" by the fish tanks. great. I prepared extra clothes, forgot about something to clean up with. So I carry my soaking son through the store to the bathroom. we change, we sit on the potty, I grab a gigantic wad of paper towels to head back to the fish to clean up the pee. we start back. we get 20 yards from the bathroom when jonas says he has to pee again... uh oh. we run back... nothing. at this point I rendezvous with brandon and he is unable to take joe as his arms are full of stuff. I decide to head back to the fish. I get there, there is a wal mart associate and several others on the usually empty asile getting fish. awkwarddddd... we decided to just let it go... water on the floor near the fish tanks is no big deal, and (of course) jonas is struggling to get free by now. we make it to the car without incident. by the time I get home, accident #3 has happened, poor guy. I got him out and put him to bed for a nap, and he was naked boy the rest of the day. from this, we gleaned that perhaps he was unaware one needs to control bodily functions when wearing clothes, so we pledged to work on it.

Friday came and went quickly. Lisa got Jonas in the morning, we got some work done, I went to a horseback riding lesson that beat my butt into shape, we went to the Kennedys for dinner, we came home. Jonas' potty training adventure was still going well.

Saturday. We started introducing pants. Oh, and I should mention for when I read this in 10 years, the past few weeks have been the coldest weeks in 25 years in NC. Like, bearly at freezing if that, and since we are poor, we've kept our heat down... so this kid has been happy and naked at 65-70 degrees. way too cold for me. Anyway... pants. It went ok-ish. I thought we should try seeing how he did with underwear for his nap, and I have to say, he didn't wet himself. However, he did do something hilarious and disasterous....

I heard him fussing in his room so I went to see if he needed to pee. I kept the light off to keep him from waking up any more than necessary, but when I put my hand on his bed, there was something sticky on it. "oh, no, he's pooped everywhere!" is my first thought. *flick* the light is on.... no poop. but there is something there. my son is shining like he just ran a marathon, his hair is sticking up like he's at a punk rawk show, his shirt looks wet, his pillow and most of the bed also look wet, so I thought he must have peed... no, that doesnt make sense. Oh, no. He got into the vasoline! Yes, he did. and there were 2 GIANT globs on the handle to the drawer containing the vasoline, where he had returned it (most likely to keep me from noticing, lol!). It was way to funny to be upset. Luckily, Julie was there as well as Brandon, so we all came in and laughed at Jonas, who was by this time crying his eyes out. We got him as clean as we could with him bawling, and I comforted the poor embarrased little guy. I asked him what he needed, and he told me "butt ow". "did you want to put some on your butt to make it feel better?" "Saaas!"(yes!) (he immediately stopped crying to tell me this.) Ok, this makes sense. of course, he got it everywhere BUT his sore butt... poor thing. too funny!

Later that evening, we had girl's only (over 2) night... Julie, Nicole, Dayna (and Jensen) and Obi came and we watched a movie.... then we had fun chatting and trying to figure out what eachother were saying. The boys (Brandon, Danny & Nathan) got back from poker around midnight, and then we all stayed and talked for another hour or so until Brandon and I were too tired to do anything but sleep. As this is mainly a journal about Jonas, I won't bother with many fun details, except that Jonas thought it would be a good idea to show Jensen his butt. He did an about face and exclaimed "BUTT!". Jensen did not look like he cared much for Jojo's butt. odd...

Jonas did ok on sunday.. he peed 5 times for Ellen, craziness! He is doing so well! Today, however, we began the power struggle. As we are tired of "ne-ed bie!", we started to insist on clothes. Jonas protested by having "accidents". I bet we went through 10 pairs of clothes... probably more, actually. As soon as he would pee and we would try to get his pants off in time and on the potty, he would stand up from peeing and say "no pats, mama, ne-ed bie!". We would keep putting more pants on him though, and he finally got angry about this and decided to play in the pee. I then told him he had to get showered off because that was yucky. He was thrilled. Awesome, it backfired again. Or did it? I totally used cold water. He has not peed in his pants since. Win!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Jonas Stories

Well, the past 2 months have been a whirlwind. I feel like I've hardly had time to breathe, but it's been good nonetheless. Among the highligts were Christmas, aquiring new friends that live only 2 doors down (yay De La Cruz!), resolving to start bike riding (thanks to some bikes), finding out Evan's gonna be a big brother, and about 100 hilarous stories scattered throughout. As I have no hope of remembering these stories in the coming years, I will have to record them now. Let's begin.

Between Brandon and Jonas just minutes ago:
Brandon asked me about Wednesday...
Jonas: Wah-Day!
B: wednesday?
j: saaas (how ye says yes when he draws it out.)
b: what comes before wednesday? do you know?
j: {blank stare}
b: tueadsy!
j: {holds up 2 fingers} two wees!
b: what?
j: 2 wees!
b: oh! 2 weeks?
j; {vigorous nods} saas. ("yes")
b: what about two weeks?
j: ni-night!
is that how long the caterpillar sleeps?
j: SAAS! SAAS! {nods vigorously}.
--Apparently he was referencing the very hungry caterpillar... who sleeps for 2 weeks.

he spent the night at "mimi's" house after christmas, during which we put away the christmas tree, rearranged some furniture, assembled some toys, and cleaned up the house. The second he walked in, he started pointing at everything that was different and yelling "NEW!". He was very thorough... NEW TAYS! (toys), NEW TA-AA! (guitar), etc, etc. very clever boy! He even noticed stuff that wasn't his, where we'd just rearranged. Sigh, he's too smart. Smart boy.

Jonas got a roller coaster from grandma. He LOVES it, and when he rides it he says "Wheeeeee! WHEEEE!" just like he's supposed to =)

He now tells dogs what to do. He will say "NO Ru-Ru!" when he gets food he doesn't want Rudy to have. Or he'll say "No yick te-te!" (no lick, cookie!), or "NO DIR RUDY-- geh back! (no sir rudy, get back!); or "Dow!" (down!). It's awesome.

he's so much better at communicating what he wants or thinks, it's just mindblowing that all of the sudden you realize you have a person that can recall things from ages ago, think about them and have an opinion.

Another story. before christmas on my way to cell, jonas started asking if we were going to "mamas house" (grandmas houise, which he asks to go to incessantly). I said no, we're going to cell. "Noooo!" this continues. For some reason I put up with it. he starts naming anywhere but church to go.. papa's house, feetball, dada, mimi, ju-wee, meowww (nicole, who is meow). I finally said, "NO we are going to play with Evan and Chase and Daniel." Now, jonas loves these three people, so I didn't expect this reaction: "NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! NONONONONONONO!!! NO! NO DASE! NO EVAAA! NOO DEDA! NONONO!!!" this continues until about a minute after daniel played with him. i don't know how daniel got him calm, but i'm super clad he did/can! it was pretty hilarious in retrospect.

He knows about batteries. He walked up to brandon with his dead train and said "Newww ba-ah-eees! new ba-ah-ees! Die!" he got his new batteries. poor dead train!

more to come, I hope!