Thursday, February 25, 2010

Job transition and milk sniffing

The past couple of weeks have been all kinds of craziness. I went in to sign paperwork for MA, and for the third time asked about my current MLM ties, and was finally told what I suspected, that I would have to stop working for any MLM's that were direct competitors... so I have spent the past two seeks scrambling to get some serious changes made to the current system I had and making some stuff at least quazai-standable standards of code. But, now it's all done, and thank goodness-- I don't know how I wuld have handled burning the candle at both ends.... or all three ends I guess! If you ever think you could be a work-at-home-mom, DON'T. You can't. Well, you CAN, but you would just be bad at both jobs... and that's no fun. Anyway...

Jonas occasionally asks me to draw pictures for him during bath time. Recently, he has been asking me to draw a "bebe" (baby) in a "bath" with a "mommy bee-side bebe". Easy enough. Sometimes he will attempt to copy, and it's usually pretty cute. A few days ago, though, he asked me to draw him a "ms keisha" and a "ms keisha" beside the first ms. keisha, and a "ne-ed bebe" beside that ms keisha, and a "ta-eeh (towel) fah-ded (folded)" beside the baby. He pitched a gigantic fit because the towel didn't have a hood, though. So I drew a hood and he calmed down... whew!

Brandon and I have gotten really into the olympics this year... especially curling! I suppose it's because we have both had the whole two weeks at home while jonas has been at school. Not that we've not been working tirelessly, butthere's been some kind of olympics on in the background. MAN, I don't know what it is about curling, but we watched it for hours and hours and weren't bored. I totally want to try it now. I hear there's a place in Raleigh... hmmmmm...

Jonas is doing much better in school. He still wakes up and says "no doo!" (no school... why he pronounces it this way is beyond me...) but he's been going fairly happily, and usually wets 0-1 outfits a day, so pretty good. He always talks about hte stuff he does there,,, usually involving some sort of sport. Oh, what will we do if he is good at sports? We are sooo not... oh well, I guess we'll manage!

Jonas is becoming increasingly difficult... yes, the classic "terrible twos". He (naturally) throws fits over just about anything, from insisting he wants to burn his mouth, to always being a ne-ed boy, to "need" ing candy, wanting to be held all the time (or never), changing his mind in a split second, you name it, he's probably pitched a fit over it. He is also a stubborn "i'll PROVE i'm right kind of kid too. I imagine brandon and I were both the same way, i don't know. for example:

A few days ago we had some old milk jugs that we had neglected to throw out. Jonas was playing with them, banging them together to make noice, kicking them and saying "aaaah- doosh!", etc. He decided he wanted to take off the lid at some point. I told him "Let's leave the lid on buddy, it's stinky in there." but no, jonas insists we take the lid off. so I said "Fine, but if you take it off you have to smell it, ok?" "yes!" The lid comes off. He takes a deep whif. Instantly he stiffens and pulls the jug away from his nose, his face goes blank but his eyes are telling-- they're watering at the sides with restraint. Holding back my laughter I asked him if it smelled good. He didn't say anything, but instead just nodded "yes" stiffly. So I said, "do you want to smell it again?" to which he gave an even slower and claculated nod. "Ok, then smell it!" well, he was in his little game now, he had to see it through, and sure enough, he lifted that disgusting thing to his nose and "smelled" it. what he actually did was hold his breath and wiggle his head a little to make him look like he was sniffing. he announced "mmm!" and then sat the jug down and walked away... ah, to be young and stubborn!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Beginning of Daycare & 2 years old

So, last week I went in for my second interview with market america, and, being told to expect an offer, Brandon and I immediately started paperwork for Jonas's daycare. Little did I know how quickly that would happen. Jonas and I stopped by on Monday to drop off paperwork for him and, when asked when we'd like to start, I jokingly said "what about today?" to which they replied "well, we have all your paperwork, you could start today!

Well jump up high and call me lester-- I left the kid there! I figured I would stay for a while and let him ease into being in class, but he took off and didn't look back to me for a second, so I went ahead and left him. I came back around noon to see how he was doing with sleeping on a mat. It turns out he doesn't do so well. I was watching him through the 1-way lass trying to communicate what he wanted with the teacher... she's sitting by him rubbing his back and soothing him, and he is saying over and over "miss ru-ru, miss dah-dee, mommy pee-up, miss mommy!" Or some combination of those. Translation: he wants rudy, he wants his taggie, he wants his mommy. adorable, but he can't have them, and the teacher doesn't understand what he's saying because taggie sounds exactly like daddy. When I went to get him that afternoon he was sitting on the floor crying. His afternoon didn't go awesome... poor guy, he never is much good without rest!

Day 2 of daycare: Jonas wakes up and begins to repeat "no doo! no doo!" while shaking his head over and over. (this is "no school! no school!"). He cries all the way to school, he cries when I drop him off... miss keisha said it would probably be better to just give him a hug and a kiss and go than dawdle around, so I did. So sad, poor little guy! When I went to get him that afternoon he was once again crying at the top of his lungs, AND he had a busted lip. We found out that in the absence of Taggie, he had decided his heavy winter coat would be an acceptable substitute, and had completely refused to part with it all day. If he couldn't wear it, he drug it around the room with him, slept with it, everything. As he was dragging it around the room, he tripped over it and fell and hit his lip on the table. They requested he please bring his Taggie.

Along with Taggie, day 3 of school went very well... he was happy for most of it (although he still adamantly requested to "no doo!" and cried when we left. On top of it all, he had NO accidents! YAY! He's so big!

Preschool day 4: Jonas wakes up with a fever of 104.2... I have never, NEVER seen him so sick and pitiful. He just wanted to lay and/or be held.... which even sick Jonas's of yore didn't want to do for too long. Luckily, I was more than happy to oblige. I get an appointment at the doctor for him and the child was so sick he didn't even protest being at the doctor. I actually read him a VERY long 45-page poem about some kid that gets really tiny and explores all of the different body systems in his body to find out why he's sick. and he listened to it all... unreal, it was even boring to me! Anyway, at the end of it all, they said they were pretty sure he had strep (even though his test was negative... only 80% accurate apparently).

Well, he made it to the last day of his first week of preschool... which was his 2 year birthday. I was so sure he was going to still be sick, but he woke up Friday morning smiling and happy and still proclaiming "no doo!" as if Thursday had never been. yay!! Lisa came and got him for some of the day, and then we went over and celebrated his birthday with a bit of cake from his birthday party that was supposed to have been that night (canceled-- we thought he'd still be sick).

Ah, I am so glad he was better for his birthday! Annnd I forgot to mention that even though Joe was upset when we picked him up from school, he told us all about how much fun he had as soon as the car door closed! He said he got to bounce balls, and play with crayons, and "chase" (which I think means they played tag??). He said he got to eat a muffin for breakfast too! Well, I'd say it was a sort of rough week for Joe, but it definitley ended on a high note-- yay!

I can't believe my little baby is 2... he's not a baby by any measure anymore! I have had to stop referring to him as such. This has been difficult, but oh well-- whatever helps him feel big. It's still surreal, even after two years to realize I have a son... who is 2 nonetheless. When did I become an adult?? =)