Saturday, November 28, 2009


So, for the first time since we were children, Brandon and I watched all of the Macy's Thanksgiving day Parade. Brandon had prefaced the parade watching to Jonas with "Santa is at the end!" "See-ta?! See-ta!?" So of course, we had to watch it all. Jonas decided, however, that the only thing that was actually the parade were the marching band and flags. Therefore, when all of the floats came by, or any of the singers were performing, he would shake his head and say "No... no... Mo Pade!" This is strange as he did not like the marching bands when we watched a real parade in progress weeks before... they were "too youd." Anyway, he seemed to emjoy the parade quite a bit. Whenever he saw drummers he would point at them and say "Ni! Ni!" (Because Supercousin Nick has a drum set that he gets to play). He also took from the parade that there are many ways to twirl flags. He has started taking his taggie and pig pillow (which he also believes to be a taggie) and, holding them in opposite hands, swinging them around as fast as he can and announcing "Flaaaaa! Flaaaa!"

Thanksgiving at the Browns was (as always) good times. The two girls are SO much bigger now. I didn't even recognize Ava with all her long blonde hair! Jonas and the girls (thankfully) played very nicely, and Jonas played quietly by himself for an hour and a half with Tommy's new car track. Of course, after all this excitement, we went to Grammy and Papa's to spend the night and get up early for the Black Friday deals. And what deals we got! Brandon, Jenna and I got up at 3:30 and went to Shoe Carnival, where we were the first ones in line! We therefore received $10 gift cards for being the first ones in the store, and we had two coupons for $15 off total, AND Brandon won their grand prize $100 shopping spree on top of all that!! He managed to sell off about $75 worth of it, and so we actually ended up getting 5 pairs of shoes for -$50. It couldn't have come at a better time to, because we have no jobs and no money! We also grabbed some deals for my parents, and just had a good time overall. I finally spent the rest of my birthday money, which I really had a hard time not spending on bills. But whatever, I needed some warm shoes for playing wiht Jonas outside in! =)

Brandon and Dad went hunting at Uncle Tom's yesterday evening after lunch at the Kennedy's, and Brandon killed his first deer! Yay! They had to get up at 5:30 this morning to go find it, but apparently it was only a few feet away from where he shot it, they just didn't see it the night before. Silly! Anyway, it's looking like a tradition!

Speaking of the Kennedys, I logged in to my facebook account there during some downtime to discover that Max had left his facebook account open. Also, Max was grounded and couldn't get on his facebook for a while. I, naturally took advantage of this to make him out to be a twilight fan, who also joined the groups "1000000 strong for Barack Obama", "I hate Video Games", "Donny Osmond Fans", "Dancing with the stars" and posted some comments to the light of "I decided that video games are ruining my life, I need to focus on my studies, so if anyone wants my games or consoles, let me know, ok?" hehehe, I had too much fun!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Worst Liar Ever

A couple of weeks ago, Brandon was driving with Jonas, and rationing him chicken nuggets (likes) and french fries (LOVES and asks for every time he sees anything he thinks could be a mcdonalds "f-fahs!"... gas stations, restaurants, anything red and yellow...). To keep Jonas from eating all the french fries, and not eating any of the (slightly) healthier chicken nuggets, brandon told jonas that he had to finish his nugget before he could have some french fries. Jonas took a bite and asked for "f-fahs?" Brandon asked if he had finished his nugget, and he said he had, so Brandon reached into his drink cup, and there was the nugget... liar!

Jonas again took a bite of nugget, and again asked for f-fahs... Brandon again asked if he had finished "a yes!".. found the nugget in his cup again... gave it back... and the song and dance a 3rd time. By bite 4 he had finished his nugget and got some french fries finally. Then Brandon gave Jonas another nugget and told him the same thing. THIS time, Jonas was quiet for a couple of minutes, then asked brandon for "f-fahs?" Brandon asked him "did you finish your chicken?" "a-yes" he then reached in the cup... no nugget. looked good. Brandon decided to ask another question to be sure... "Can I see?" at this point, Jonas holds up his chicken nugget, with 1 bite taken out of it. Nice. That would be a Lie Fail.

Monica told us on sunday that Chase said "Jojo my best friend!" . She also said somebody called Jonas "Jonas" and Chase said, "No, it's jojo!" =) aaaaadorable!

Jonas is now in the habit of asking for things all day that he doesn't want... mostly animals. IE, he asked to see Cookie (our neighbor's dog) ALL day, and he finally saw Cookie, and ran to me, cried and asked me to hold him. He has done this several times, with many creatures... silly boy!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Best Boy Ever!

So, this past week has probably been my favorite ever with my little boy. I don't know what's been different, possibly knowing that I won't have to worry about our finances for at least one more month... i don't know. But either way, Jonas has just been the best little boy ever this past week! We've had so much fun together =)

Monday the three of us went to the park near our house, where Jonas decided to put his climbing skills to the test and scale the "rock" stairs to get to the tallest slide on the playground and go down. He did pretty well for such a little guy, and he was certainly thrilled that mommy AND daddy were there to cheer him on as he went down the slide and up the wall over and over.

Tuesday we went to the childrens museum. They added a sandbox outside, and Jonas was all about playing in it. I bit off the nagging voice in the back of my head saying "don't get dirty!" and we both got covered in wet sand and built castle after castle after castle. Jonas had a great time "slicing" the castles like they were cakes after we turned them over... fun! Of course, he took his new skills inside and tried to build a sandcastle with the foam "coal" at the railroad train... fail... but still fun! Plus, wet sand dries fast and we were allll clean (ish) in no time! Then we headed over to the Reich's where Jonas ate all of his lunch (he usually doesn't care for any meal that isn't breakfast), and then TOOK A NAP (yay!) . The last time I tried to get him to sleep at the Reich's it was a disasterous attempt (in that he didn't sleep at all and wanted to play with the Jesus doll). But he slept this time for exactly as long as it took me to clean the house... yesssss!

Then we went back to the childrens museum, where he played at the train table for an hour. It was at this time that I was so proud of little Jonas. There were a couple of other kids playing with the trains, and he did such a good job sharing, and asking before he just jumped in. Plus, the kids were bigger and knew how to use all of the parts that he ignores, so it was fun to watch him watching the kids to see what to do with all the train parts, and he learned! The kids put the trains in the roundhouse to sleep, and so did he (with little snoring sounds to boot). The kids used the drawbridge, and so did he... just a cute little copycat!

On our way out he asked to go see the trains. I think he remembered going with Aunt Jenna and Aunt Julie (and maybe Aunt Nicole?) the week before, and knew he was close to the station. Alas, no trains were there when we drove by...

Wednesday we went to the park near our house and played for a long time. There were only a couple of other kids there, so Jonas had free reign again. I usually hover around him when he's on the big play equipment because I'm afraid he'll fall off the edges or something, but he did so well today that I actually got to sit and just watch him play most of the time. He got REALLY good at climbing the rock stairs, and he figured out how to climb up the plastic "hamster tubes" that run everywhere. Before wednesday, he could never figure out how to go up them, he always slid down, but not anymore, he used the hand grips and pulled his way up like he'd been doing it forever! So exciting! The whole playground is his to enjoy now!!

Punctuated throughout the week, Jonas and I have just wandered around the common area of our townhouses. Jonas learned to say "Miss Da-yeen" (Miss Darleen... very close!) and will now usually run up to miss Darleen's door yelling for her and start knocking. Well, of course, Miss Darleen just loves Jonas to death and loves having somebody come visit her, so it's a win-win-win situation =). Jonas has so much fun playing with her wind chimes, and sitting in her chair, and getting her to bouce his ball "high! **extends arms upward**". It's awesome.

Today, we went to Ken's house to set up the shipping there and get everybody trained on it. Jonas went with us, and let me tell you, he was a very happy boy! Apparently Ken's kids are really into animals, because he had a menagerie to look at. There were about a dozen dachsunds (bleh, JOe doesn't care for dogs he doesn't know), 5 pens of chickens (He LOVED THEM!), about 100 rabbits, 2 tanks full of frogs, a fish tank (also love it), a parrot, a hedgehog, and a tank of turtles. me oh my! If I was 10+ years younger I would have thought I died and went to heaven! Little Jonas was definitely thrilled, I know that much =). After we left, I got a call from sissy seeing if I wanted to go to adams farm and walk, and of course I did, but not before we went to see Santa (scary, of course).

Soo, Joe and I left daddy to his school work and went walking and looking at ducks, and making a racket in the tunnels, and (naturally) playing on the playground at adams farm. Aunt Jenna has officially taught Jonas to pump his legs when he swings. He says "in" "out" and does his legs just like he should and is so proud of himself! I even let him sit on the "big" swing and he didn't do awful today....

but now, it's bedtime. My, do I hope the next forever is just as awesome as this last week =)