Saturday, November 28, 2009


So, for the first time since we were children, Brandon and I watched all of the Macy's Thanksgiving day Parade. Brandon had prefaced the parade watching to Jonas with "Santa is at the end!" "See-ta?! See-ta!?" So of course, we had to watch it all. Jonas decided, however, that the only thing that was actually the parade were the marching band and flags. Therefore, when all of the floats came by, or any of the singers were performing, he would shake his head and say "No... no... Mo Pade!" This is strange as he did not like the marching bands when we watched a real parade in progress weeks before... they were "too youd." Anyway, he seemed to emjoy the parade quite a bit. Whenever he saw drummers he would point at them and say "Ni! Ni!" (Because Supercousin Nick has a drum set that he gets to play). He also took from the parade that there are many ways to twirl flags. He has started taking his taggie and pig pillow (which he also believes to be a taggie) and, holding them in opposite hands, swinging them around as fast as he can and announcing "Flaaaaa! Flaaaa!"

Thanksgiving at the Browns was (as always) good times. The two girls are SO much bigger now. I didn't even recognize Ava with all her long blonde hair! Jonas and the girls (thankfully) played very nicely, and Jonas played quietly by himself for an hour and a half with Tommy's new car track. Of course, after all this excitement, we went to Grammy and Papa's to spend the night and get up early for the Black Friday deals. And what deals we got! Brandon, Jenna and I got up at 3:30 and went to Shoe Carnival, where we were the first ones in line! We therefore received $10 gift cards for being the first ones in the store, and we had two coupons for $15 off total, AND Brandon won their grand prize $100 shopping spree on top of all that!! He managed to sell off about $75 worth of it, and so we actually ended up getting 5 pairs of shoes for -$50. It couldn't have come at a better time to, because we have no jobs and no money! We also grabbed some deals for my parents, and just had a good time overall. I finally spent the rest of my birthday money, which I really had a hard time not spending on bills. But whatever, I needed some warm shoes for playing wiht Jonas outside in! =)

Brandon and Dad went hunting at Uncle Tom's yesterday evening after lunch at the Kennedy's, and Brandon killed his first deer! Yay! They had to get up at 5:30 this morning to go find it, but apparently it was only a few feet away from where he shot it, they just didn't see it the night before. Silly! Anyway, it's looking like a tradition!

Speaking of the Kennedys, I logged in to my facebook account there during some downtime to discover that Max had left his facebook account open. Also, Max was grounded and couldn't get on his facebook for a while. I, naturally took advantage of this to make him out to be a twilight fan, who also joined the groups "1000000 strong for Barack Obama", "I hate Video Games", "Donny Osmond Fans", "Dancing with the stars" and posted some comments to the light of "I decided that video games are ruining my life, I need to focus on my studies, so if anyone wants my games or consoles, let me know, ok?" hehehe, I had too much fun!

1 comment:

  1. I read that status update and knew something was up! And then I was on a video call with the family and Amanda said something about Max giving up video games and I told her it had to be a hoax. David was my first suspect though. Good job!
