Sunday, August 30, 2009

Cleaning up after Kitty

So yesterday I was explaining to Jonas (again) why he couldn't play with the cat litter box. The kitten was in it pooping and I explained that it was the potty for the kitten, and was yucky. This seemed to strike an instant chord with Joe, because he immediately stopped trying to get hte gravel and watched patiently while the kitten did its thing. As soon as it was done, Jonas ran over to the pantry and grabbed a bag out of the bag holder, ran over to the litter box, and proceeded to try and grab the poop out of the box using the bag. Bless his little heart, he was doing what we do with Rudy's poop! I blocked him from getting anything in the bag and explained that I had to do that just now, so I took the bag and pretended to scoop up the poop, and then threw the bag in the trash.

10 minutes later, I lost track of Jonas, and I found him in the kitchen, trying to throw away a small bag of cat litter he had scooped up... ewww! Sweet little guy, trying to be so helpful! At one point last night, I asked brandon if the cat was hungry, and Jonas took an immediate interest in the cat's food and water bowl, which were (mostly) empty. He took it out of the cat's crate, and I tokd him it was empty and we needed to put some food in it for the kitten, so take it in the kitchen... which he did. I emptied out the old food and water, and showed him how to put the food in, so he put some food in for the kitten, then he held the tray under the sink to fill it with water. I then took a risk. I let him carry the food and water into the other room for the kitten... of course, he only made it about halfway before the kitten met him. He was so excited to feed it he plopped the tray down and sloshed water out everywhere. The kitten was apparently thirsty because it started drinking water. Jonas, noticing that we had soaked its food to get it soft, took a piece of food, dipped it in the water, and held it up to the kitten's mouth to eat... awwww! Kitten wasn't itnerested, but it was still cute!

And on a different subject, I asked Jonas to open the door in his room yesterday, and he DID. Uh-oh, he can work doorknobs now... at least I am pretty sure he can... I didn't expect him to do it, so there is a chance the door was open already and he just pulled it, but I think he got it. We'll see...

Friday, August 28, 2009

terror puppets and kittens.

So yesterday was lots of excitement. Laura was planning on watching Jonas all day, but she got a cold, so we had to reschedule. Since I had a lunch packed and Brandon needed the day to work, I took Jonas to the childrens' museum for a while. Jonas had his usual good time, playing with everything and especially the trains, however, he did have an experience with a puppet that I think is worth sharing. One of his favorite rooms is the "stage". He LOVES pushing the buttons and turning the dials that work the "behind the scenes" stuff, and sometimes likes to get on the stage and play the drums. He is also perfectly happy watching the other kids play. When we walked in, however, he was immediately taken aback by some kids playing with the puppets. Not by their general puppet creepiness, he just saw this one puppet of a dark green frog that he clearly did not like. I don't know why, but he was probably 30 ft from it, and he instantly tensed up, ran for me and held my legs. After he got over the green puppet frog shock, he started to enjoy the room. Anyway, Joe was playing the run-in-circles-around-the-stage game, where he "hides" from me, then runs out of the side stage and announces "Boo!". Good game. Jonas ran behind the stage on one pass, and some of the kids with the puppets had run over to play the drums, carelessly tossing the green frog puppet on the stage. As you may have guessed, Jonas ran out from side stage and announced "Boo!" with glee. Side stage is about 2 feet lower than the stage, so Jonas turned to climb back on the stage and repeat the process. He came face to face, like, literally inches between him and this puppet. I have never seen the child freak out like he did in that moment. I lol as I type this. He did the foot stamping, hands waving, forgot how to move away, pretty-much-useless-because-you're-so-scared dance, coupled with a blood cordling scream, whilst backing away from the poor puppet. He managed to fall over a mom who wasn't looking at him (yet), and his long shreak of terror became loud wailing cries as he atttempted to will his muscles to work and find me. I about peed I was laughing so hard... poor little guy. In conclusion, we left the stage for a while.

On the way over, I called Julie to see if we could go see her, and she said that would be fine. Soooo, Jonas and I played at the museum for a while, then we headed over to Julie and Nicole's to visit. It was great to see Julie again after a summer of pretty much no sissies, and Jonas at the very least enjoyed looking for Summer (Mooooow!). I decided to let Joe take a nap there, so I set him up in Nicole's dark dungeon room for his nap. Julie had had to leave for school, and I asked her if she needed help. She replied it would help if I could get some of her stuff unpacked, so I got started on that... or DID I? No sooner had I thought about it than Nicole came in from work! So I got to visit with cousin for a while too, yay!

Jonas slept for a LOOONG time there, till almost 3:30, so I did end up getting all of sissy's stuff unpacked =), Jonas got up, and of course wanted to wash his hands, so I was holding him up to the sink to wash them, then dry them (yes, this is going somewhere). I had stepped out of the bathroom holding Joe, but backing out for some reason (can't remember why) when I caught the image of a really tall and big looking guy standing RIGHT BEHIND ME-- and I about had a heart attack. For those of you who have been to their house though, you know that the man I saw was none other than larger-than-life-john-krazenskyi (sp?)-modeling-for-the-gap hanging in their hall... now, larger-than-life-john-krazenskyi (sp?)-modeling-for-the-gap has never once bothered me before, in fact, I really like larger-than-life-john-krazenskyi (sp?)-modeling-for-the-gap-- however, when you are not expecting larger-than-life-john-krazenskyi (sp?)-modeling-for-the-gap to be RIGHT BEHIND YOU, its pretttty creeeeepy. I shall for give larger-than-life-john-krazenskyi (sp?)-modeling-for-the-gap, though, as we all have our faults, and his persistant eyes are really not his fault.

Annnnyway... Jonas and I went back to the children's museum for a while, till 5. We kept a wary eye on the stage room, but otherwise had fun. We headed back home, and once we got there decided to walk around outside and let rudy run some. Our neighbor, as we were walkinga sked if we had seen a kitten. "No," I replied, just as I heard a pitiful "mew" from a local bush. He said he had seen a stray kitten and was trying to get it some food. Well, instantly, I was interested because it was a baby animal, and JOnas was intereste because he heard "kitten" (MoooOOoooOW!) so we squatted down by the bush and started coaxing. Sure enough, a minute later a teeny tiny kitten.. maybe 6 weeks old if that peeped out from the bush. Immediately it ran back in because rudy bounded over with a tuba music accompaniment to see what was going on.

We put rudy away and got brandon "the cat whisperer" Kennedy to come and see the kitty. Yup, that was a kitten. and it was very friendly. We realized pretty fast this kitten was nearly starved to death, so we took it inside and immediately contacted our closest cat experts, Alex and Nicole. Nicole dropped everything and came over with all the supplies for kittens in hand (awesome!) and stayed for dinner and kitten playing. So now we have a kitten living with us for the next few days. We are trying to find it a home, so if you're interested, dear reader, please let me know.

Jonas was thrilled to have this kitten in the house... I mean, I am really scared for the poor cat's life because Joe wanted to rock it, and play with it and see if he could step on it. You know it's tiny if Iw as afraid JOe would crush it to death with one step... yeah. Rudy finally got to meet the kitten, and I believe the kitten remembered Rudy, because it gave its nastiest (aww, precious) spat and clawed the air when rudy approached... sending rudy running for the door. Yes, rudy was afraid of a 6" kitten. He cried at the door to be let out from the devil creature... which we laughed at. It looks like today they are better friends, now that the kitten know rudy is under its paw. Good grief, we have such a cowardly dog....

I think brandon is falling for this kitten... that's not good. we really shouldn't keep a cat too. but gosh, it's adorable, and it REALLY seems to like brandon a lot ("Finally, i'm SOMEONE's favorite!"). I dunno... maybe we'll find someone... maybe not? ugh.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

...the bed!

In conclusion, YES Jonas CAN sleep in a toddler bed!! YAY!! Brandon and I went back to check on him at 11, and he was laying in bed... although we found him face crammed into the bed, butt in the air, and his singing thing on, so he had obviously woken up just enough to turn it back on and soothe him to sleep, but not enough to bother getting comfortable or anything =)

The next test was nap time today, but again, he slept just fine (in fact, he slept 2.5 hours- woo hoo!) what a relief!

So, I finally got my needtobreathe CD in the mail, and Jonas and I really enjoyed ourselves on the way to cell. We had fun bobbing our heads, clapping, and "pounding the air" with the music... all Jonas could say was "more?! more?!" in an effort to make the songs keep going after the car had stopped.

I was once again reminded of just how great my hubby is this evening. He is so good, I'm so lucky! You should all be jealoussss!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First 3 hours in his new bed...

It is now 10 pm. Brandon and I decided to go check on Joe and see how it was going with his toddler bed, since we haven't heard a peep out of him since I laid him down (and yes, I had the monitor up a lot).

Sure enough, he was sound asleep. In fact, he was snoring peacefully he was so asleep. One problem. He was definitely on the floor, his taggie about an arm's length away. The question now is, did he get out of bed, then fall asleep, or did he fall out after he fell asleep? I think he fell out afterwards. Either way, brandon and I about died laughing when we saw him.

After cooling off, brandon went and put him back in bed. We'll see how the morning goes... =)

Jonas's Toddler Bed

So, yesterday and the past several days I have been on working overload, which is generally a bad thing, as I not only have the pressure of a deadline to work towards, but also have to hear the screams and cries of my son in the adjacent room doing everything he can to draw me out. He will yell at the top of his lungs "MAAAA!!" and "knock-knock-knock" on the door over and over. It is very upsetting to hear, especially when you know you really can't go see him.

Anyway, all that stress was over last night, so today I took the day off and did stuff with Jonas. We had a very productive day, naturally! I gave him a haircut, which he screamed through the whole time. He now has a "Lloyd" haircut (like don dumb & dumber) because I couldn't get his bangs done properly. Anyway, we also got his mountain of clothes put away (he has seriously got more clothes than me... maybe more than brandon).

Most importantly, we decided to go ahead and convert Jonas's crib to a toddler bed. Yes, we took the plunge. and since Brandon had a lot of school work to do, Jonas and I got to change the bed, YAY!! Jonas was very helpful trying to screw and unscrew the bed... he actually had it down pretty well. Sooo, we finally got it assembled and Joe was SO excited! I think he LOVES his new bed, but we will see how it goes tonight and tomorrow morning. Man, I hope he does well.

On a side note, he has now figured out how to unscrew lids on things. He has had the twisting motion down for a month or so, but he has now figured out that he has to twist, then take his hand off, and twist some more, instead of twist-untwist-twist-untwist and so on... basically getting nowhere. Plus, he can now close a door from the outside. He has now successfully closed himself in the closet several times... so far he has not been upset about this, so whatever.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Inunciating words and the Squirt Toys

So in the past 3 days, Jonas has suddenly decided to become much better at talking. He has known how to say a lot of words before now, but they have always been just the beginning syllable of the word... so Milk, would be "Muuuu" or Rudy (of course, he can say "ru" and "De" but not ru-de) would be "Ruuu!". But all of the sudden last thursday night, he asked for his "BATH!" not his "BAAA". And there it was. suddenly, "bye" wasn't "Biiiii" it was "Buh-Bye", and "baby" was a whole word....he says "ma-mee" instead of just "ma ma"... Rudy is still Ruuu!, but I think soon he will out it together.

He also very suddenly added the word "Mine" to his daily blabberings. He has never said it before last wednesday night... I suspect he heard Jen, Monica and I talking about the boys saying "mine" and I said something about Jonas not saying it yet... next morning **bam!** his spoon was "Mine!" and his clothes where "Mine!" and when he wanted something, instead of just pouting, he would say "mine mine mine mine". Sigh, so much for that stage not starting yet.

We've begun the very basic foundations for Jonas's potty training... talking it up. Actually, I guess we've been doing that for a while, but with more vigor now that he actually has a clue. Lisa said on friday she was at the store with Jonas and he suddenly grabbed his crotch and said "Peeeeeeeeee!"... so lisa said, "are you peeing?" and he replied with a "Ssssssss!" (his noise he makes for peeing). I guess that's a good thing =)

On saturday, Brandon and I dropped Jonas off at mom and dad's for the night. I think this was the first night he stayed there when we weren't also there. The night didn't start well.. ish. Mom was out shopping with Aunt Terri, and when they got back, Jonas had his familiar smile when Grammy walked in, but then he saw aunt terri (the identical twin), and his face fell, his eyebrows creased, and he started looking very confused. He didn't care much for this "Grammy clone". Of course, he has seen aunt terri before, but I think this was the first time he was old enough to make the connection that something was just not right... very funny! Anyway, we left Jonas and went to dinner with Julia Martin (and company) for her birthday, then went and bowled afterwards... it was good fun all around. I love old friends =)

We also discovered that Jonas knows how to open the childproof doors. How long he has known, we don't know... but saturday afternoon I noticed Jonas had the door on the cabinet in the bathroom open and was getting his duck out. I closed the door and asked him to open it for me... and as if he did it every day, he pulled the door out a bit, stuck his finger on the latch, pushed, and pulled the door open... sigh... its a good thing he doesn't care much for stuff under the cabinet. We'll see how it goes. This boy is too clever.

After the incident with the door latches, Jonas decided to leave I guess... He grabbed his big riding truck, drug it to our front door, reached up and OPENED it (he has done this before, but usually on accident or with struggling... not just an automatic thing like this day), and started stepping out, waving bye to me and saying "Buh-Bye! Buh-Bye!"... a smile on his little face. Oh my, but it was cute... sadly, I think that spells danger, so we got him back in and this time deadbolted the storm door.

After we got Jonas from my parents and came home, Joe decided it was time for a walk. Brandon and I were dragging our feet and trying to get Jonas to enjoy Aladdin (we were, after all)... but he had a one track mind. He managed to get me to open the stroller for him since we weren't taking his "OOUUUU SSSSSSSSSSS" (outside) hints. He then spent some time trying to get into the stroller on his own, which he did successfully, but he was also trying to get it to roll sitting in it, and he is nowhere near that coordinated. He finally managed to get us to understand that he wanted to go on a walk, so we finally tore ourselves away from aladdin and went walking... much to his delight =)

This evening, Brandon and I tried doing dinner early, at 6. We have been meaning to try this for a while, but finally had the chance tonight. I think it went well, Jonas at two bowls full of chili, and he was great the rest of the evening! I went to give Jonas his bath as usual after dinner, and Brandon had warned me that he had figured out how to use his squirt toys, but I didn't think he was as good as he was! That boy is picking stuff up in no time! He just figured out how to squeeze the things last week, and tonight, he was holding them underwater to refill them, and then he would benignly aim at the wall, then TURN THEM ON ME! =) He definitely got me good in the face the first time... which made us both laugh very hard... then it was a game... and one I could endorse. So we played with the squirt toys for a good half hour, then called bath time to close.

After getting pajamas on, Jonas proceeded to be exceptionally cute and playful the rest of the evening. He wanted to sing, so we sang "happy and you know it" and he had a big time clapping, stoping, and shouting "hooray!" Of course, we also had to sing wheels on the bus (which he also did all the motions and sounds to) and a few more favorites... very cute! We finally ended the night with Brandon pretending to be asleep so Jonas could see how easy it was... Jonas, however, did not understand what snoring was. He looked pretty concerned for daddy, until I explained the snoring to him. He now does a very adoreable child's impression of sleeping where he does the snort-"shooooo" sound. of course, he can't short on the inhale, so its snort-breath-"shoooooo"...which makes it even cuter. Ahhh... he is too adorable.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Well, a lot has happened in the past 4 days, the best of which is that Dayna and Nathan are now the proud parents of Jensen Ace Musgrove... 8lbs, 14 oz, 21.5" born around 2:20 this afternoon (the third of august). Now, let's do a blow-by-blow of the past 4 days:

Friday evening was Muggle quidditch day (OBVIOUSLY, since it was Harry's birthday), so we met up at Sarah Arant's grandparents house, and played in their backyard. Since we met later in the evening, and had a smaller field, we had MUCH more fun. It didn't hurt that we were only 1 player short of a full team on each side, instead of 4 or whatever it was last time. Anyway, fun was had by all. OH! even better- brandon's cousin, Jennifer was there to play all the way from Japan (ok, well, maybe that wasn't the MAIN reason for the visit, but whatever...) his uncle tim played too, just FYI.

Anyway, next day, as Jennifer (and parents) were visiting, we all headed to burlington to play (read: watch) some disc golf, laugh at jonas as he 'played' disc golf (well, it is adorable like everything he does!) and do some geocaching. Both goals were accomplished, even though it was classic NC summer weather with the outrageous heat and humidity. Jonas was awesome the whole day, which is an accomplishment as we didn't have a stroller or a grandma to also watch him. Anyway... that evening we all went over to the Kennedys for dinner, and dayna and nathan were there, still without Jensen being out for us all to see =(. Since Kim is a pediatrics nurse, she gave dayna some advice for getting the labor going, and she tried some of it out with the giant bouncing ball. we all really wanted to see that baby!

sunday, since jonas spent the night at grandma and grandpa's, brandon and I slept in, only to be awoken by a call at 9 am (yes, i said awoken... it was tough, but we slept till 9!) This was all fine and dandy, except that we were both all excited that it was dayna finally at the hospital, but no, it was just lisa calling to remind us to bring diapers =(.... by that evening, we had pretty much given up hope that dayna would have the baby before monday at noon, when the visitng kennedys would have to go back home (they had come to see jensen, but he had other plans). We'd just decided he was going to be induced on tuesday, and we would see him then.

Wrong! We got the REAL call this morning at 6:45. I was so excited I couldn't go back to sleep, which was ok, since Jonas got up 30 or so minutes later. We didn't rush though, since they said Dayna had been there since 11 the previous evening and had not been progressing very fast. Jonas and I got to the hospital at 9:45 ish, at which point they had broken daynas water, and we came to find out later, that was the real turning point. she said her contractions went from a 1-2 pain to a "10 10 10 10!" very suddenly, so she got an epidural, and was good to go =). Marcy, Liz, Greg & I (later lisa and max) all waited in the waiting room (amazing) till about 11:30 to hear anything, but no word came. then, nathan came back out and said lisa and I could go visit dayna for a few minutes before the doctor came back... so we did. After we left, i was packing up to go home as the last dayna had heard she was about 3-4cm dialated, and it would probably be closer to 4 or 5 before she was close to pushing. luckily, at that moment lisa got a tect from scott saying dayna was 9 cm and we probably shouldn't go anywhere... so we didnt! Lisa put Joe to sleep on her shoulder for about 45 min, and the rest of us waited excitedly for more news.

eventually, around 1 or so, it came, saying she was dialated and ready to push as soon as the doctors would let her, so everybody started to get all pace-y and go back and forth from the waiting room to in front of the delivery suite doors, until... Scott got a text "HE'S HERE!!" at about 2:25, so the 4 of us in front of the delivery room celebrated. Moments later, Liz came shooting down the hall, just as excited-- apparently someone on their end got a picture. Yay!! Jensen was here! Of course, it was still an hour before they brought him out to the throng of people waiting, but still, very exciting!

Brandon, Jonas, Nathan, Scott, Marcy and I went to get some dinner, and when we got back we got to hold little Jensen. Scott was getting him to sort of smile, and when he did, he had big, adorable dimples!! yay! lucky little baby with dimples! I got to hold him next, and as soon as I had him, Jonas started pitching a FIT. We all thought he was just insanely jealous of me holding another baby, so after a few minutes, I passed jensen to Marcy, and took My baby, who continued to scream, and reached for Jensen. Yes, he wasn't jealous of Jensen, he was jealous of ME! He wanted to hold Jensen very, very badly-- poor little guy, he had waited all day to see him too! Marcy helped Jonas "hold" Jensen for a minute by letting Jone put his hands under her arms at his feet... Jonas was much happier then, silly boy! =)

Dayna looks awesome, especially for just having a baby... luckyyyyyy! All-in-all, everything went wonderfully and smoothly... could hardly have asked for anything better. Great day, great to have an almost-nephew... very very good!