Sunday, August 16, 2009

Inunciating words and the Squirt Toys

So in the past 3 days, Jonas has suddenly decided to become much better at talking. He has known how to say a lot of words before now, but they have always been just the beginning syllable of the word... so Milk, would be "Muuuu" or Rudy (of course, he can say "ru" and "De" but not ru-de) would be "Ruuu!". But all of the sudden last thursday night, he asked for his "BATH!" not his "BAAA". And there it was. suddenly, "bye" wasn't "Biiiii" it was "Buh-Bye", and "baby" was a whole word....he says "ma-mee" instead of just "ma ma"... Rudy is still Ruuu!, but I think soon he will out it together.

He also very suddenly added the word "Mine" to his daily blabberings. He has never said it before last wednesday night... I suspect he heard Jen, Monica and I talking about the boys saying "mine" and I said something about Jonas not saying it yet... next morning **bam!** his spoon was "Mine!" and his clothes where "Mine!" and when he wanted something, instead of just pouting, he would say "mine mine mine mine". Sigh, so much for that stage not starting yet.

We've begun the very basic foundations for Jonas's potty training... talking it up. Actually, I guess we've been doing that for a while, but with more vigor now that he actually has a clue. Lisa said on friday she was at the store with Jonas and he suddenly grabbed his crotch and said "Peeeeeeeeee!"... so lisa said, "are you peeing?" and he replied with a "Ssssssss!" (his noise he makes for peeing). I guess that's a good thing =)

On saturday, Brandon and I dropped Jonas off at mom and dad's for the night. I think this was the first night he stayed there when we weren't also there. The night didn't start well.. ish. Mom was out shopping with Aunt Terri, and when they got back, Jonas had his familiar smile when Grammy walked in, but then he saw aunt terri (the identical twin), and his face fell, his eyebrows creased, and he started looking very confused. He didn't care much for this "Grammy clone". Of course, he has seen aunt terri before, but I think this was the first time he was old enough to make the connection that something was just not right... very funny! Anyway, we left Jonas and went to dinner with Julia Martin (and company) for her birthday, then went and bowled afterwards... it was good fun all around. I love old friends =)

We also discovered that Jonas knows how to open the childproof doors. How long he has known, we don't know... but saturday afternoon I noticed Jonas had the door on the cabinet in the bathroom open and was getting his duck out. I closed the door and asked him to open it for me... and as if he did it every day, he pulled the door out a bit, stuck his finger on the latch, pushed, and pulled the door open... sigh... its a good thing he doesn't care much for stuff under the cabinet. We'll see how it goes. This boy is too clever.

After the incident with the door latches, Jonas decided to leave I guess... He grabbed his big riding truck, drug it to our front door, reached up and OPENED it (he has done this before, but usually on accident or with struggling... not just an automatic thing like this day), and started stepping out, waving bye to me and saying "Buh-Bye! Buh-Bye!"... a smile on his little face. Oh my, but it was cute... sadly, I think that spells danger, so we got him back in and this time deadbolted the storm door.

After we got Jonas from my parents and came home, Joe decided it was time for a walk. Brandon and I were dragging our feet and trying to get Jonas to enjoy Aladdin (we were, after all)... but he had a one track mind. He managed to get me to open the stroller for him since we weren't taking his "OOUUUU SSSSSSSSSSS" (outside) hints. He then spent some time trying to get into the stroller on his own, which he did successfully, but he was also trying to get it to roll sitting in it, and he is nowhere near that coordinated. He finally managed to get us to understand that he wanted to go on a walk, so we finally tore ourselves away from aladdin and went walking... much to his delight =)

This evening, Brandon and I tried doing dinner early, at 6. We have been meaning to try this for a while, but finally had the chance tonight. I think it went well, Jonas at two bowls full of chili, and he was great the rest of the evening! I went to give Jonas his bath as usual after dinner, and Brandon had warned me that he had figured out how to use his squirt toys, but I didn't think he was as good as he was! That boy is picking stuff up in no time! He just figured out how to squeeze the things last week, and tonight, he was holding them underwater to refill them, and then he would benignly aim at the wall, then TURN THEM ON ME! =) He definitely got me good in the face the first time... which made us both laugh very hard... then it was a game... and one I could endorse. So we played with the squirt toys for a good half hour, then called bath time to close.

After getting pajamas on, Jonas proceeded to be exceptionally cute and playful the rest of the evening. He wanted to sing, so we sang "happy and you know it" and he had a big time clapping, stoping, and shouting "hooray!" Of course, we also had to sing wheels on the bus (which he also did all the motions and sounds to) and a few more favorites... very cute! We finally ended the night with Brandon pretending to be asleep so Jonas could see how easy it was... Jonas, however, did not understand what snoring was. He looked pretty concerned for daddy, until I explained the snoring to him. He now does a very adoreable child's impression of sleeping where he does the snort-"shooooo" sound. of course, he can't short on the inhale, so its snort-breath-"shoooooo"...which makes it even cuter. Ahhh... he is too adorable.

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