Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Jonas's Toddler Bed

So, yesterday and the past several days I have been on working overload, which is generally a bad thing, as I not only have the pressure of a deadline to work towards, but also have to hear the screams and cries of my son in the adjacent room doing everything he can to draw me out. He will yell at the top of his lungs "MAAAA!!" and "knock-knock-knock" on the door over and over. It is very upsetting to hear, especially when you know you really can't go see him.

Anyway, all that stress was over last night, so today I took the day off and did stuff with Jonas. We had a very productive day, naturally! I gave him a haircut, which he screamed through the whole time. He now has a "Lloyd" haircut (like don dumb & dumber) because I couldn't get his bangs done properly. Anyway, we also got his mountain of clothes put away (he has seriously got more clothes than me... maybe more than brandon).

Most importantly, we decided to go ahead and convert Jonas's crib to a toddler bed. Yes, we took the plunge. and since Brandon had a lot of school work to do, Jonas and I got to change the bed, YAY!! Jonas was very helpful trying to screw and unscrew the bed... he actually had it down pretty well. Sooo, we finally got it assembled and Joe was SO excited! I think he LOVES his new bed, but we will see how it goes tonight and tomorrow morning. Man, I hope he does well.

On a side note, he has now figured out how to unscrew lids on things. He has had the twisting motion down for a month or so, but he has now figured out that he has to twist, then take his hand off, and twist some more, instead of twist-untwist-twist-untwist and so on... basically getting nowhere. Plus, he can now close a door from the outside. He has now successfully closed himself in the closet several times... so far he has not been upset about this, so whatever.

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