Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Date with Jonas



Is how my morning started. Our dog is small in stature, but terrifying in volume. I don't know what he saw, but he wanted us to know about it. It was about time for me to get up anyway, so I rolled out of bed and managed to dress myself in my dog-walking clothes while maintaining a state of half-asleepedness. The surprise came when I walked out to get Rudy's leash on him, and there stood Jonas, holding all of his blankets, and looking like he wasn't sure what was going on. We stared at one another for a moment before he said, "Hi Mommy, what YOU doing?" I explained that I was headed out to take the dog on a walk before it got too hot, and he asked if he could come. "Sure!", I said, and went to the car to get his stroller.

It was nice to have somebody to talk to on our walk. Jonas is well into the stage of talking out every single thing he does or sees, and this morning was no exception. He kept up a string of conversation that hardly paused for a breath...

"Oh, mommy, I see some birds flying up high in the air. Mommy, what is that? Where is the garbage man? Is he coming around the corner? Uh oh, Rudy is walking in the grass... mommy, he is pooping in the grass. You are cleaning it up. I want help! Can I help, mommy?? Eweewwwwew! That is stinky poop! hahahaha that is funny! Rudy is funny!"

...and so on. We stopped to inspect a small cicada, which Rudy licked, so it flew away. This thrilled Jonas to no end. I let Jonas hold Rudy's leash for most of the walk, during which it was clear Joe has paid attention to what Brandon and I say when we all go on walks together (mind you, it's been several months since we all went on a walk together, since it's been so hot). At one point Rudy lagged behind sniffing something, and Joe tugged the leash and said "Rudy! Hurry up, you is stuipd dog!" Ah... yes, Brandon and I do occasionally say this to Rudy when he is doing something like trying to eat dirt. Clearly Joe got the idea.

Anyway, we had a wonderful walk in the morning.

After I got off of work, I headed over to the disc golf course to pick Joe up and figure out what the rest of the evening was going to look like. I asked Joe where he wanted to go, and he replied "I want go home." "are you sure you don't want to go visit somebody? We could go see old granny, or grammy and pappa, or maybe even aunt nicole?" "No, I want go to Joe's house." So off we went towards home. I asked about Joe's school day, and as usual, he said he got a time out because he pushed Christina. I have no idea if he has ever gotten a time out for this or not, but it is the story that he tells us every day when he gets home from school. I asked him about the drawing he had brought home (labeled "fruit"). I said "what's this?" "A painting." "oh, I see. What's it a painting of?" "Ummm... colors!" Of course, colors! He is very good at coming up with correct answers that don't really answer your question. He likely would have answered the question "colors that make what" as "things that I drew." Crafty kid! Anyway, I told him I loved the painting, to which he replied "I love it too! You can't love it mommy, IIII Love it!" I told him we could both love the painting. "No! I love it. you no can love it." "ok" I conceded, "can I just really like it", "oday."(okay).

As chance would have it, this conversation caused me to forget where I was going, leading us to miss our turn onto 311. We decided to go down main st. to get home, as I had vague thoughts of getting some fast food and letting him play in a playplace somewhere on the way home. This is the point where Joe spotted the hospital and exclaimed, "MOMMY! It is la hospital!! I want go see la babies!" For some reason I was in a good enough mood that I thought that would be fun-- after all, it was only 6:15. I turned the car around, and we went to the hospital with the goal of seeing some babies. After making up to the 5th floor (Jonas jabbering about how the babies might be hiding behind the blinds the whole way), we were disappointed to see that the babies were hiding behind the blinds. Sad day.

Defeated, we were about to leave, when Joe said "I am hungry, I have some french fries please?" Well, as we were at the hospital, and we DO love us some hospital food (no lie, that stuff is delish!) We headed down to the cafeteria. Immediately I get concerned about how I am going to work out having an excited 2.5 year old in an open cafeteria, but Joe was a good as gold. He didn't grab any of the food off of the tables, and waited while I built my sandwich. He even carried the drink to the table and got us a seat while I paid!

Dinner was quite enjoyable. I got us a chicken sandwich with fries and a drink (and ketchup and mustard for dipping). Joe did not seem to understand the concept of sharing a meal, though. The first french fry I took, he said "hey mommy, you took my fry. don't take my fry, they is mine!" He wasn't really upset, just letting me know what's what. I tried to explain that we were sharing, but the next time I took a fry, he did the same thing, but this time he interjected that "mommy is mean! that is mean!" I asked him why I was mean, and he said "because you took my fry. you is mean. you stole it from me!" Again, I told him it's not mean to take a fry if we are sharing. He wasn't convinced. He decided the best way to get around me taking his fries was to just give me some, so he started taking a bite of his french fry, then dipping it and asking if I wanted a bite. I'd take a bite, and he would giggle and continue eating. Sometimes he would say "here mommy, you want a fry?" and just hand me a fry. He didn't want to exclude anybody, so Mr. Mano got to eat some fries too... and of course Mr. Mano fed Jonas a fry or two as well! We had a great time feeding each other french fries and laughing at Mr. Mano as he tried to talk with french fries in his mouth. It was a most excellent dinner, even if it was super unhealthy!

We decided to try the babies again before we left, and boy were we glad we did! There were two brand-spanking new little babies right in front of the window, and three more off to the side. Joe was beside himself with excitement. Again, he babbled furiously about the babies...

"Hey! That baby is a naked boy, he is sleeping, no, he is crying! what is that, mommy?"

"that's a stethescope so the doctor can listen to the baby's heart"

"yes... like at the doctor? I like that baby, I love him! Mommy, we taking that baby home? I want hold him!"

There was no shortage of excited grandparents and parents to tell Joe all about their new additions, either. Several other people were crowded around the window and were having a fabulous time answering all of Joe questions, "that is your baby?" "why baby is naked?" "baby is sad-- is baby sad?" One exuberant parent walked up in full scrubs and exclaimed "look, that one is my baby!" Joe didn't disappoint... he squealed and said "I like her! I want hold him!" (gender confusion...) We probably stayed and looked at the babies for an hour. One lady we were next to was a doula, and was explaining her job to me. The next minute, a nurse came over and gave one of the babies a bath and checked his temp. Joe said "what that doula doing?" Laughing, I told him she was a nurse, and the other lady was the doula. Naturally, Joe agreed with a "yeeeees..." like he totally understood =) too cute!

We finally left the hospital, and on the way home I interjected between Joe's babbling that I had a fun date with him. he said "what is that?" so I told him, "A date is when you and a girl that you like go and do something fun together, just the two of you." "Yes," he replied, "I have a date with mommy at la hospital!" And a very good date it was indeed! =)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Totally Losing It

I'm pretty sure Jonas woke up this morning in a bad mood. Brandon usually wakes Joe up around 7:15, after I'm out of the shower, and gets him ready for the day. This morning, however, the first words out of Joe's mouth were whining ones. "Where is mommy? I want mommy come get meeeeeheeeeheeee" (remember, whiney, not laughing). Brandon, very reasonably, said that I was getting ready for work and I couldn't come get him out of bed, but that Joe could come find me and say good morning. This was the start of the meltdown of the year. Joe totally lost it. he started screaming and crying and insisted that I come and get him. Well, at this point, I couldn't go in there, because then he would learn that he got his way when he pitched a fit, so Brandon counted him. This was to no avail. Joe got to 3 and got his spanking pretty quickly. This made him more hysterical (usually, it is quite the opposite).

Since the whole ordeal had taken about 10 minutes, I was dressed and ready to go. Joe had quite forgotten why he was hysterical in the first place, and had changed his mind to simply saying that he did not want to leave his room. Brandon was starting to get frustrated, as would you, were you in a room with a very angry 2.5 year old. So, I started to count him from the other room. He alllllmost decided to listen, but then blatantly disobeyed... so he got his second spanking. At this point, Brandon and I are both in the room with him, and he is laying on his bed kicking and screaming "I NO WANT LEAVE MY ROOM!!"

I told Brandon to go ahead and get his other stuff ready and I would take a shift, since It was clear this wasn't going to blow over. I got Jonas calm enough that I was sure he could hear me, and told him he had to come out of his room before I counted to three, or he would receive his third spanking of the morning, and I would remove him from his room anyway. I got to 2 before he, crying hysterically and muttering, waled to the door. He stuck his foot into the hallway, then covered his face, and ran behind his door screaming "I NO WANT LEAVE MY ROOM!". Well, it killed me to have to do it, but I gave him his third, yes, third, spanking of the morning, and carried his flailing body into the main room. At this point, he was so hysterical that I sat on the couch with him and held his little body firmly so that he couldn't move anywhere, and whispered quietly into his ear "I love you little boy, calm down". Eventually the flailing stopped, and we were just left with a sobbing child who continued to mutter over and over "i no want leave my room."

It had been about 45 min. since he woke up. I was late, he was late, it was no good. I really needed to eat, and Brandon volunteered to take him back, at which point, he decided to start freaking out again (no surprise). I ate as fast as I could, and gave both my boys hugs and kisses, and left for work, feeling guilty that there wasn't more I could do. I could hear Joe's enraged screams of "MOMMY, DON'T GO AT WORK!!" as I sat in my car outside.

Brandon called me at 8:15 to give me the report of how the rest of the morning went. He said that he determined that Joe had wanted to go in his room to calm down (a tactic we have used in the past), so he let joe walk back to his room for about 3 min-- the longest he could wait to get Joe to school before breakfast. As soon as he came to get the now calm Jonas, Joe starting to totally lose it again. Having no choice, he wrestled Jonas into his clothes, the whole time kicking and screaming. The ride to school was more the sobbing and muttering than screams, thankfully. Brandon said as they entered the school, Jonas decided it was time to be clingy and make nice with daddy. Brandon told the teacher (Ms. Keisha) what was going on, and Ms. Keisha smiled and said "ok, Joe, let's go to breakfast!" Jonas loses it again. This time in a "NO WANT GO WITH MISS KEISHA, WANT DADDY!" sort of way. Brandon said you would have thought he'd dropped Joe off at a concentration camp as crazy as Joe was acting. Ms Keisha was carrying joe away, but Jonas was reaching over her shoulder for Brandon like he'd never see him again... the whole time screaming and puffy eyed from his hour or so of crying and screaming.

Oh, the joys of parenting!

Of course, when I got home Joe was perfectly fine, as if nothing had happened. I didn't think about it till I mentioned the tantrum at work, but somebody said it must be because of the full moon-- and I bet he's right... Joe does seem to go crazier when the moon is full!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Warning Fail

Tonight Jonas was playing in the bathtub when he decided to stand up, then jump to a sitting position. He does this pretty commonly outside of the tub... I guess it doesn't hurt his butt like it would mine. Either way, I told him he was not to do it again, because he could get hurt really really bad. He didn't seem convinced, as he began to test this new limit by squatting in the tub. I told him he could fall and hurt his head, and that would be terrible! HE stared at me, and said
"I need medicine?"
"yeah, you might"
my inner dialogue thought as I pondered my words...
"If you fall and get hurt, we might have to go to the hospital"
"go to the ho-bi-doh? see la babies?"

"they might give you a shot"
"I like shots"

"do you know what shots are? its a sharp metal needle they poke you with"
"POKE! POKE! hahaha!"

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Letter to Netflix

Jonas loves the movie Up. We finally resorted to a bold faced like the third time he wanted to watch it this weekend, and told him that Netflix stopped streaming it. He requested that Netflix start streaming Up again, and Brandon suggested he compose a letter to Netflix with his complaint. Below is the letter:

Subject: Kevin

Dear Netflix,
Do Kevin.

Short, and to the point. Nice!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Cantaloupe Nightmares

Friday night, we went over to grandma & grandpa's for dinner as usual. Lisa reported that earlier (much earlier) that morning, Jonas had a nightmare. She ran in to his fitful screams, and comforted him as you would expect. She got him calmed down some, and he he managed to get out through his sobs, "No want Cantaloupe! Want Watermelon!" Ah, to have the problems of the 2 year old...

Saturday we spent the day helping the Charles' move in to their new house. The Reichs' watched all the kids in the morning, so that was nice! When we dropped Joe off, we stayed ove rthere for a few minutes, where I witnessed Jonas's first (to my knowlege) conversation with a peer. Evan walked in with his firetruck, and the following conversation happened:
J: Evan, what IS dat?
E: dis is my fire fruck.
J: What you doin' with it?
E: I'm moving the ladder.

Yes, it was short, but still... I am so accustomed to repeating everything Joe says, it took me off guard that these two little kids could talk to each other like real live people-- they are getting so big!! It was super cute =)

This was the first day since Jonas was probably 6 months old that he did not take a nap... it definitely started to show after a while. However, towards the 5pm mark, he was so tired that he didn't even know what to do. He just walked around with a blank stare muttering to himself "I want help... I want tooo help". Bless his little heart, I guess considering he didn't get a nap, he did great all day. We ended up leaving their house at 10pm, and Joe was STILL awake, and running, laughing, screaming, and crawling around under the beds when we left... I guess he caught his second wind! Of course, he was out before we got home... and he slept till 9:30 the next morning... we actually woke him up! Sunday we just rested... all three of us were pretty tired, and it was super nice to just have a day off.

Monday, I got home to a story Brandon told about picking Jonas up at school. He said Joe was completely hysterical lying on the floor crying, screaming, and mostly incoherent. The teacher said "He was fine 5 minutes ago, and I said I was going to the dentist, and he completely lost it." Sure enough, as soon as she said "dentist" Jonas let out a wail and could be heard screaming "NO GO TO DENTIST!! NOOOO" Well, you can't help but laugh at that. The teacher asked Brandon if Joe had been to the dentist, or had some bad experience, and he (naturally) said "I don't even think he knows what a dentist is..."

Just to see, later that evening, I casually mentioned the dentist again, and while he didn't get hysterical, he emphatically said "NO go to 'la dentist!" I asked him what a dentist was, and he said "They give me a tooth-brush." Well... apparently someone is educating him!

While I was playing with him last night, he pulled down one of his trash trucks. He started looking for the trash cans that go with his set and he said "Where is that... no... where are they?" Goodness, he just surprises me every day, and today it was correcting his own sentence. He realized what he was saying wasn't correct, and then changed it to what it should be. I've heard adults that still can't do that! Aww, my smart little boy =)

So, up to today. Joe is a fan of the medicine. If he thinks of it, he will tell us about anything to get some. Tonight was no exception. He was sitting on the potty, and turned around to see a bottle of Tums on the counter, the following occurred:
Jonas: Mommy, what is that? Is that tynanol? (yes, full, near-clear sentences)
Me: Those are tums.
J: I 'ave one, Please?
Me: Ah, no, sorry buddy, that's medicine for your tummy. You take it when your tummy hurts to make it feel better.
J: (naturally) Oooh, my tummy hurts! I 'ave one now?
Me: Joe, I know your tummy doesn't really hurt.
J: Yes it do-'s! oooooh my tummy huuuurt! I need one!
Me: Joe, it's not going to work buddy, I know your tummy doesn't really hurt.
J: (stops, thinks for a moment) **SMACK** (he hits his stomach pretty hard). Now it hurt! I 'ave one now??

Well, at this point, I was laughing pretty hard at his cunning. I think I told him something about "not that kind of hurt, when it hurts from eating something you shouldn't have". Defeated, he decided to instead hide behind the curtain and play peek-a-boo. Win!

evan conversation
no dentist
conjugating verbs
hurt stomach
4th of july

Monday, July 5, 2010

The Golden Shower

A couple of weeks ago was was the 4th of July weekend, during which the Kennedys (and Manns, of course!) came down for a visit. It was so good to see everyone again, even if it was a Jeff-less weekend =(. We had a big time just hanging out and catching up most of the weekend. A bunch of people went to play disc golf one day, and the rest went to the farmers market and got all sorts of yummy treats. Of course, there was flying involved as well... Uncle Tim took us up over Kernersville where we could clearly see the Kennedys' house thanks to "lake awesome", and then flew us up and around Mt Airy... very cool! Farkle was played, kids had a big time running around, playing in the water, painting, and all sorts of other things.

We went to a parade one of the mornings in Kernersville, and it was not the best parade I've ever been to, but they sure made up for it by throwing as much candy as you could get on Halloween! Jonas decidedly did not like the parade. He told us "I didn't like it! It was Loooud! The trucks are loud!" He calmed down from his crying about wanting to leave after Brandon got him some Ice Cream, and the entire time Kyndahl was enchanted with all the cool old cars, but not Joe, he just wanted to leave.

I'd say one of the highlights of the weekend was getting a big box of NC fireworks and setting them all off. The "finale" was one poorly-named "The Golden Shower". I mean, really... who named that?? Once again, Jonas was not a big fan of the fireworks. They were too loud, and it didn't help that he tried to touch a sparkler. Amazingly, this did not appear to burn him, but it certainly scared the crap out of him. He talked about it for days "I got burned on 'la fiah-wook. it hurt my 'and! I don' like them. (vigorous head shaking)". He was better with the professional fireworks that he watched on the rooftop, but he still wasn't sold on it. I think he was mostly excited about being on the roof.

Max's guinea pig, Deuce, went to a better place. He and his friends gave the poor little guy an excellent sending off, and with that ended the reign of pets in the Kennedy household.

Another fun activity we discovered was getting out the graphic TMI childrens' book "where did I come from?" and laughing as Amanda, and then Erin (both pregnant) learned about the birds & the bees from the book. It was pretty priceless. That book floated around all weekend... goodness, it's just very awkward... yeah.

Anyway, all in all, we all had a great weekend this 4th!