Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Cantaloupe Nightmares

Friday night, we went over to grandma & grandpa's for dinner as usual. Lisa reported that earlier (much earlier) that morning, Jonas had a nightmare. She ran in to his fitful screams, and comforted him as you would expect. She got him calmed down some, and he he managed to get out through his sobs, "No want Cantaloupe! Want Watermelon!" Ah, to have the problems of the 2 year old...

Saturday we spent the day helping the Charles' move in to their new house. The Reichs' watched all the kids in the morning, so that was nice! When we dropped Joe off, we stayed ove rthere for a few minutes, where I witnessed Jonas's first (to my knowlege) conversation with a peer. Evan walked in with his firetruck, and the following conversation happened:
J: Evan, what IS dat?
E: dis is my fire fruck.
J: What you doin' with it?
E: I'm moving the ladder.

Yes, it was short, but still... I am so accustomed to repeating everything Joe says, it took me off guard that these two little kids could talk to each other like real live people-- they are getting so big!! It was super cute =)

This was the first day since Jonas was probably 6 months old that he did not take a nap... it definitely started to show after a while. However, towards the 5pm mark, he was so tired that he didn't even know what to do. He just walked around with a blank stare muttering to himself "I want help... I want tooo help". Bless his little heart, I guess considering he didn't get a nap, he did great all day. We ended up leaving their house at 10pm, and Joe was STILL awake, and running, laughing, screaming, and crawling around under the beds when we left... I guess he caught his second wind! Of course, he was out before we got home... and he slept till 9:30 the next morning... we actually woke him up! Sunday we just rested... all three of us were pretty tired, and it was super nice to just have a day off.

Monday, I got home to a story Brandon told about picking Jonas up at school. He said Joe was completely hysterical lying on the floor crying, screaming, and mostly incoherent. The teacher said "He was fine 5 minutes ago, and I said I was going to the dentist, and he completely lost it." Sure enough, as soon as she said "dentist" Jonas let out a wail and could be heard screaming "NO GO TO DENTIST!! NOOOO" Well, you can't help but laugh at that. The teacher asked Brandon if Joe had been to the dentist, or had some bad experience, and he (naturally) said "I don't even think he knows what a dentist is..."

Just to see, later that evening, I casually mentioned the dentist again, and while he didn't get hysterical, he emphatically said "NO go to 'la dentist!" I asked him what a dentist was, and he said "They give me a tooth-brush." Well... apparently someone is educating him!

While I was playing with him last night, he pulled down one of his trash trucks. He started looking for the trash cans that go with his set and he said "Where is that... no... where are they?" Goodness, he just surprises me every day, and today it was correcting his own sentence. He realized what he was saying wasn't correct, and then changed it to what it should be. I've heard adults that still can't do that! Aww, my smart little boy =)

So, up to today. Joe is a fan of the medicine. If he thinks of it, he will tell us about anything to get some. Tonight was no exception. He was sitting on the potty, and turned around to see a bottle of Tums on the counter, the following occurred:
Jonas: Mommy, what is that? Is that tynanol? (yes, full, near-clear sentences)
Me: Those are tums.
J: I 'ave one, Please?
Me: Ah, no, sorry buddy, that's medicine for your tummy. You take it when your tummy hurts to make it feel better.
J: (naturally) Oooh, my tummy hurts! I 'ave one now?
Me: Joe, I know your tummy doesn't really hurt.
J: Yes it do-'s! oooooh my tummy huuuurt! I need one!
Me: Joe, it's not going to work buddy, I know your tummy doesn't really hurt.
J: (stops, thinks for a moment) **SMACK** (he hits his stomach pretty hard). Now it hurt! I 'ave one now??

Well, at this point, I was laughing pretty hard at his cunning. I think I told him something about "not that kind of hurt, when it hurts from eating something you shouldn't have". Defeated, he decided to instead hide behind the curtain and play peek-a-boo. Win!

evan conversation
no dentist
conjugating verbs
hurt stomach
4th of july

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