Friday, April 23, 2010

The Moon is Spicy

I will try to get this story right, as it came from Brandon’s POV.

Yesterday, Brandon and Jonas were outside playing, when Jonas spotted one of his favorite things to spot: The Moon.

B: yeah, Joe, that’s the moon!
J: Reach moon! (stretches arms over head)
B: Well, I don’t think you’re tall enough, buddy.
J: (looks a little miffed, but recovering quickly) Daddy reach moon!
B: (stretches his arms up) Nope, it looks like daddy isn’t tall enough either.
J: Daddy pee-up Joedis (pick up Jonas). Reach moon! Touch Moon!
B: Well, I can, but I think we’ll still be too far away.
J: (now slightly defeated, changes his mind and points to his chest.). Joedis Eat moon. (now reaches both hands up and brings to moutn several times)
B: Oh! You want to eat the moon?
J: seees (yeeees)
B: What do you think the moon tastes like?
J: hmmm (taps finger on mouth while contemplating). Moon pice-dee! (spicy)
B: (laughs) You think the moon is spicy, huh?
J: ses! Need te-up (ketchup) eat moon!
B: Oh, you need ketchup? Well, that will make it less spicy.

Now other stories from this week. On Tuesday, Brandon (as usual) got Jonas from school, where he was told that Jonas had pooped in his underwear at nap time, and neglected to tell anyone about it. Mrs. Michelle, his teacher, had a stuffy nose and didn’t smell anything, but as Joe was walking around, apparently a turd fell out of his pants and that was when they realized something was amiss. Hehe, poor kid!

Last night, after Jonas wanted to eat the moon we went out to eat. We’ve been trying to go to this new Japanese hibachi grill near our house, but it’s been too crowded every time we’ve tried to go. Jonas has been very disappointed every time. He was very excited about the “foo fies! Hambadurs! Ra-a-not!” (French fries, hamburgers, restaurant). Since we couldn’t get in, we settled for Mexican. Jonas insisted on sitting in the booth with us, and to our pleasant surprise, he was a very sweet little boy there. He got a booster seat and enjoyed his chips with pice (spice). He decided he needed some salt and pepper on his chips, and (like any other kid) proceeded to WAY overload them. We felt this was a learning moment and let him try his chips... he did not care for them. =) He shortly thereafter wanted Brandon's lemon.. and what parents would we be if we didn’t give him the lemon?? Also hilarious. He screwed his face up, eyes closed, and shaking… it was awesome.

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