Saturday, October 10, 2009

first ear infection

oops! I've been forgetting to update again... not that I have a following or anything, but I like to look at these myself years later since I have such a bad memory.

The past few weeks have been pretty ok. Jonas has been getting better and better at talking and communicating, so that is (mostly) good.

Last week, brandon and I got our flu shots... brandon's made him sick for nearly a week, so I got WAAAAY more quality time with Jonas than normal. Sadly, I think that was overall not a good thing, because I just can't do morning to evening no break clinging and whining. Ah, yes, I forgot to mention that jonas has officially entered the "nobody but mommy" stage where he actually throws a tantrum if I try to leave the room... or sit him down, or any number of unpredictable other things. oh, i forgot another important ingredient. let's just start over.

about 2.5 weeks ago, I started getting some pretty sweet ice pick headaches. I have discovered since being pregnant that I have a newly-manifested slew of PMS symptoms, ice pick headaches being one of them. That week or so previous, I discovered a whole new level of awful in the pms region that i didn't even know existed. Here is the glorious list:
  • bipolaresque mood swings
  • extremely tempermental
  • crying spells for no apparent reason
  • body aches
  • headaches ranging from mild, to migraine... occasionaly an ice pick headache would get thrown in there
  • severe lethargy
  • shortness of breath
  • lightheadedness
  • heart palpatations
  • shaking
  • panic attacks
I seriously thought I was having a heart attack one evening, which I guess makes sense... most of the symptoms of panic attacks with the palpatations and lightheaded and stuff kinda fit. Thankfully, that was a few hundred dollar trip i did not take to the ER. I finally got to the doctor after nearly a week of this crap going on. She looked over my tests and ruled out thyroid issues, anemia, and tested me for diabetes (which came back normal). Ugh, I do not care for this doctor. She failed to diagnose me with "anemia" years back when I was so anemic I wasn't able to sleep, and chocked it up to being stressed about just getting married... which I wasnt...and told her so. She clearly did not believe me. My faith in her diagnosis abilities once again fell short of the mark this time. Since brandon was with me at the doctor (i did not trust myself to drive), she cornered me when I was getting blood taken and started asking me about my relationships. At this point, she was surprised to hear that I had been happily married for 5 years, and that we had a 20 month old. I can understand the not knowing how long I've been married, but for goodness sake, she was referencing information from my OB for my medical history, it seems to me like being pregnant would have stood out. or at the very least the frequent monthly, bi-weekly, and weekly visits to the ob... geez. Anyway, she decided I was having a very, very long panic attack. what?? I have not been panicking for a week straight! Is it even possible to panic when you are peacefully sound asleep?? I don't think so. regardless, I got the anti-crazy medication and took one just to make sure. no help.

Let's move on.

So while at the doctor last thursday, I got a flu shot, and brandon did too (it's better to spring this stuff on him, or he just gets nervous... I guess its that way for lots of us). Next day, brandon is sick. I am still not feeling any better, but now must watch Jojo and keep him from brandon. Thankfully, jojo is a very sweet little boy, but did I mention i was having severe mood swings and got easily frustrated?? this is not a good combination when toddler-watchin. In conclusion, i decided it was best to leave the house, so I took a anti-crazy pill, and whether by placebo effect or not, it seemed to help that day. Jojo and I went over to the Carters with Aunt Nicole (mooow!) and we (with the help of Nick) worked on updating their living room. If you have never been to the carters house, then you don't know just how badly this room needed a makeover. Luckily, I have pictures!

Best of all, the responsibility of watching Jonas was shared, and frustration was diffused by getting something done AND having jonas quazai distracted! This method actually worked on day 2 as well!

Fast forward...

***TMI ALERT*** of course, within a day of starting my period (mondayish), all of this went away. so, i guess that's good... on the down side, I am terrified I am going to have to deal with this coolness on an arbitrary basis for the rest of my 'childbearing' years... nooooOOOoo! ***END***

Lisa came and got Joe on monday, because even though the antichrist PMS was coming to a close, brandon was still sick, and I was still extremely lethargic, my back had gotten hurt somewhere (probably moving furniture??), and all that PMS was replaced with cramps that rivaled birthing pangs of 2 years previous. Brandon and I spent one glorious day laying in bed and resting.... and of course since it was me, I still did some work (what can I say? I don't like to do nothing for long!). I have to say, this was probably the most brandon and I have ever needed a break from the boy. He wasn't ever being bad, we were just so sickly it was very hard to watch him.

Tuesday, feeling much, much, much better, I had an excellent interview for a job that I will hopefully get. Afterwards, we went over to get Jonas from the Kennedys and brought them dinner to boot. We came home with a whiny baby, who was hopefully not sick.

No luck, sure enough, Jonas had his first (real) ear infection. It was a lot of fun at the doctor for sure. He difinitely remembers that place! Luckily, he likes the amoxacillin, so he was ok with taking that. Sadly, he missed going to the fair that evening, which we had been planning on doing for months =(. Brandon watched joe that night since he had hardly seen him in a week, and I still went, though. I haven't seen needtobreathe play since before I was pregnant (RIGHT before, but still). Wooooah, it was crazy how many people were there! coraaazy! As an added bonus: Nicole brought Ivan to the event, which we deemed a "family event" so now Ivan is "officially" ahead of Spencer in the boyfriend ring. hahaha! spenny had better start showing up at stuff!

anyway....last night nicole allie (emily bivins for a while) and I went to a SW football game and watched them get beaten like a rented mule. otherwise, not a lot happened since wednesday, jonas seemed back to normal, then BAM! we got him up this morning and he had a fever and was coughing like crazy. called the doctor, and they said that is unrelated to the ear infection and give him lots of liquids. yaaaay. so poor baby is sick again.. or more. whichever.

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