I took Jonas outside to let him play around as usual. Today he wandered over to a neighbor's house (she doesn't live there anymore though) and decided it was time to play in her planter. Her planter had nothing but dry potting soil in it, and Jonas couldn't have been happier with this. He spent probably 30 minutes grabbing handfulls of dirt out of the planter and spreading it everywhere! She had a bench on her porch that he put some of his "favorite" clumps of dirt on (even though I couldn't tell the difference). He was a very happy, and extremely dirty boy by the end of it. I brushed him off best I could, but I was still finding dirt in his diaper, hair, ears, neck fat, etc. even hours later... ah, I like having a little boy =).
One of my neighbors had their great-grandson over and he was playing with a tennis ball and bat in the drive waiting for his g-gma. I guess Jonas was watching him pretty close because he decided it would be a good idea to go play with the boy. Now, this kid was like, 10 or something, and he was very patient with Joans; he would hand Jonas the ball over and over when Jojo threw it, so sweet! Jonas felt like such a big kid.
Brandon and I had such a good geocaching day yesterday with our 12 chaches in under 1.5 hours, that we wanted to go again today. Dayna wanted to go with us, so we met her at 3:45 and all went. Today was not as good. We couldn't find a few, and the management at Panera was not 100% thrilled to find out that there was a cache on the premesis. We still got 4 though, so that's good I guess. Anyway, we were looking in a wall near the Paladium with Jonas (he likes to put dirt in the bushes.. he doesn't realize we're just looking in them) when he fell from over the curb to the street landing on his face. Nice. Poor kid has a shiner and he's only 13 months old! It got scraped a little and is swolen, but otherwise he seemed fine, just sad at first =( Anyway...
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